CSIR-NEERI Chemistry PA Job 2020– Application Details
Applications are invited for hiring/empanelment of project assistants (Level II) under sponsored projects. MSc Chemistry job opening at NEERI. NEERI Hiring Chemistry candidates for multiple posts. Check out all the details on the same below:
Position 1
Job Title: Project Assistant-II
No.of posts: (01 posts)
Code: CH01
Project Title: Preparation of Compendium on Environmental Statistics in the UT of Puducherry under SSS Scheme
Eligibility: M. Sc. in Chemistry
Salary: 25,000/-
Position 2
Job Title: Project Assistant-II
No.of posts: (01 post)
Code: EE02/ CH02
Project Title: Preparation of Compendium on Environmental Statistics in the
UT of Puducherry under SSS Scheme
Eligibility: M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Job Requirement: Air, Noise, water, & soil analysis and ability to prepare scientific reports with proficiency in computer knowledge and local language (Tamil)
Salary: 25,000/-
Age limit: 30 years as on closing date of application.
Age relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Woman/other statutory groups
How To Apply:
All eligible and interested candidates may send the following items latest by 10/01/2020 to email id: [email protected] mentioning postcode in subject line
1. Application in the format as given in Annexure I (1 page)
2. Latest brief CV (max 2 pages)
All the above
three items should be submitted as one pdf file of maximum 4 pagesDate of Walk-in-Interview: 16/01/2020 [Registration 8.30 AM to 9.30 AM]
Candidates called for interview, have to bring printed (duly signed by candidates) application form supported by self-attested copies of the document in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, experience etc and CV. (to be brought at the time of interview only along with original certificates for verification). Interviews shall be conducted at CSIR-NEERI, Chennai Zonal Centre, Chennai, CSIR-Madras Complex, Taramani, Chennai-600 113.
View Main Notification
Editor’s Note: CSIR-NEERI Chemistry PA Chemical Science Project Assistant, CSIR-NEERI Hiring Chemistry Candidates, Project Assistant Post, Chemistry jobs, MSc Chemistry jobs 2019, Chemistry, Chemistry jobs 2019, CSIR-NEERI, Chemistry jobs at CSIR-NEERI, CSIR-NEERI jobs, Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest job updates.