MHRB Drug Inspector Job Opening – Pharma Jobs
MHRB Drug Inspector Job. Medical and Health Recruitment Board, Assam invites online application for filling up of 16 nos. of posts of Inspector of Drugs under Commissioner of
Food Safety and Drug Administration, Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Assam. MHRB – Medical and Health Recruitment Board Job opening 2019, Medical and Health Recruitment Board invites pharma candidates for drug inspector post. Check out all the details on the same below:
Job Title: Inspector of Drugs
Number of Post: 16
Pay Scale: Rs. 22,000/- to 87,000/- PM with Grade Pay of Rs. 11500/- PM plus other allowances as applicable from time to time as per Govt. Rules.
Age: The candidate should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01/01/2019.
The upper age limit is relaxable by (if applicable) –
i. 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e. upto 43 years
ii. 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. up to 41 years as per Govt. notification No. ABP.6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25th of April, 2018.
iii. For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) by 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and General Category of candidates
Qualification for the post of MHRB Drug Inspector :
i. A candidate must have a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences, or Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India by law.
ii. Apart from English, the candidate should have adequate knowledge of atleast 1 (one) official language of the state of Assam (i.e. Assamese/Bengali/Bodo), except candidates belonging to Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council and Dima Hasao Autonomous Council.
Desirable Qualification: Preference will be given to candidates having uniformly good academic qualification and experience in handling legal matters.
Application fees:
- Application must be accompanied with the required application fee of Rs. 250/- (rupees two hundred fifty) only for General category candidates and Rs. 150/- (rupees one hundred fifty) only for OBC/MOBC/SC/ST (P)/ST (H)
candidate. - No application fee is required for candidates having BPL certificate and PWD certificate.
- Application fee should be deposited only through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health-01-Urban Health Services-800-Other Receipt”. The fees are not refundable and no other mode of deposit of fee other than through Treasury Challan shall be accepted.
Terms and Conditions:
i. Candidates need not submit any testimonials/certificate at the time of submission of online application. However, candidates have to produce their original testimonials regarding educational qualification, date of birth, caste, EWS, PWD, Treasury challan, working experience etc. at the time of interview. Self-attested copies of all testimonials/certificates will have to be submitted to the Board at the time of interview.
ii. Application form, which is incomplete in any respect, such as, without photograph and signature, is liable to be rejected summarily.
iii. Only those candidates who fulfill all the terms and conditions of the advertisement in respect of the post for which they are applicants shall be entertained. Others need not apply.
iv. The Candidates who are already in the Government service may apply through proper channel. They shall have to produce “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer at the time of document verification before Viva-Voce/Interview and they will have to submit release order at the time of joining.
v. The Board reserves the right to cancel, alter or modify the advertisement or other terms and conditions of the advertisement without any prior notice.
vi. All other matters which are not specially provided in this advertisement shall be decided by the Board.
The last date of online application will be received till 6/12/2019. All applicants are advised to visit the website
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Editor’s Note: Drug Inspector job opening, Pharmacy job opening, Pharmacology job opening, Pharma jobs, Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma job openings. Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.