Lab Technician Post at Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
Online applications in prescribed form are invited for the posts of Lab Technician. Essential qualifications, Pay matrix, general conditions, application form and the other details are available on the university Website:
Pay Matrix – Level-05 : Rs.29,200/-.
Eligibility: The minimum qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment for the post of Lab Technician which is Bachelor Degree in Chemistry with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ in the UGC Seven Point scale.
Notes –
1. Pay, Allowances, Qualifications, etc. are as per the State Govt. and the University
2. Knowledge of Gujarati is essential.
3. For further details, Please visit the university website:
How To Apply: The interested candidates may apply online in prescribed application form and after filling up online form and fee Rs.500/- for general category and Rs.250/- for SC, ST, OBC and EWS, the print out of the filled up form is to be sent along with all the requisite documents to the Registrar, H.N.G.U. , Patan-384265 in the envelope clearly super scribed the name of the post by Speed post or in person on or before Date:10/12/2019. For
further details, please visit the University website stated aboveGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :
1. The minimum qualifications for the Posts of Assistant Registrar as expressed by UGC
Gazette 2018 Notifications, and subsequent amendments made therein.
2. A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the Graduate and Master’s level for the
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes / Differently-abled (Physically and Visually
differently-abled) / Other Backward Classes (OBC/SEBC) (Non-Creamy layer) / EWS
categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic records during
different recruitments where applicable. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an
equivalent grade in a scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of
5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based on only the qualifying
marks without including any grace marks.
3. Candidates have to fill-in required information in the prescribed online application form from the website It is mandatory to submit a hard copy. Without
receiving hard copy, the application shall be rejected.
4. If the space in the application form against any item is insufficient, separate sheet may be used.
5. Fees (Rs.500/- for General and Rs.250/- for SC/ST/OBC/EWS categories) should be paid online only. which is non-refundable.
6. The University reserves the right to fill the post or keep it vacant. In case of dispute /
ambiguity/ interpretation the decision of Vice-Chancellor shall be final.
7. The applicant should ensure that the hard copy of application is submitted to the
university through Speed Post or In person so as to reach the Registrar,
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, University Road, Patan – 384265 on or
before the due date.
8. Candidate if invited for interview will have to attend at his/ her own expense.
9. Candidates must enclose the attested or self-attested copies of relevant certificates, marksheets, documents, testimonials, etc.
10. In case those serving in grant-in-aid/Govt. organizations will have to submit their
application through proper channel. They may submit one advance copy so as to reach
the university on or before due date. No Objection Certificate from the parent institution
/ employer shall have to be produced at the time of interview.
11. Please write name of the post applied on the envelope.
12. Candidates in their own interest are advised to check regularly the website of the
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan,
13. Selection for the post of Lab Technician shall be done on the basis of the written Test of MCQ Type question of 100 marks (each question of 1 mark with negative marking of
0.25 mark for wrong answer).
14. Age Limit for Lab Technician: Maximum age limit shall be 28 years on the date of advertisement. The age relaxation of 05 (five) years shall be given to reserved category (SC, ST, OBC,EWS), WOMEN and PH category candidates i.e. 33 Years. The age relaxation of additional 05 (five) years shall be given to Women candidates belonging to reserved category (SC, ST, OBC, EWS) i.e. 38 years.
Last Date To Apply:
- Last Date and Time for Online Application: 06/12/2019 08:00 p.m.
- Last Date and Time for Submission of Hard Copy of Application: 10/12/2019 06:00 p.m
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