tyle="text-align: center;">Msc JRF/PA Job Vacancy at Guru Nanak Dev University
Applications are invited for the position of JRF/PA against one sanctioned position in the DST funded major research project entitled “Organocatalytic Asymmetric Vinylogous Reactions: An Enantioselective Approach to Chiral Functionalized Organic Molecules”.
The University is successfully catering to twenty thousand students in various faculties at University Campuses and Constituent Colleges. Guru Nanak Dev University is the first University of the region which introduced on-line admissions to its courses, on-line counselling for State Level Admissions and Credit Based Evaluation System. All the results have been computerized and OMR (Optical Magnetic Recognition) system is being used to bring in more efficiency and transparency.
Project Assistant (PA): – M.Sc. Chemistry with 55% marks.
JRF – M.Sc. Chemistry with 55% marks and NET (JRF)/ NET (LS)/GATE qualified.
Stipend:- PA :- Rs.8000/- ; JRF with NET:- Rs.31,000/- pm + HRA
Upper age limit: JRF/PA: 28 years
How To Apply:
The candidates interested in working in the area of synthetic organic chemistry may send their application on plain paper with detailed bio-data and copies of degrees, certificates and testimonials to the undersigned by 20-11-2019. The position is commensurate with the termination of project (27-06-2020). No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Last Date To Apply: 20-11-2019
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Editor’s Note: Guru Nanak Dev University. Job opening at Guru Nanak Dev University. Junior Research Msc JRF/PA Job Fellow job opening, Chemistry job opening. job opening 2019, Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma job opening. Follow us on Facebook.