Chemistry Candidates Walk-In for SRF Post @ University of Calcutta

UT121227AT320 Tartu Ülikooli keemia instuudi analüütilise keemia labor Chemicumis. Pildil: analüütilise ja füüsikalise keemia teadur Karin Kipper. Foto Andres Tennus/Tartu Ülikool *** Local Caption *** Pildistatud UT välisveebi jaoks!

Interested eligible candidates are requested to appear before a selection committee on 16th December (Friday), 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the office of the Head of the Department of Chemistry, 92, A. P. C. Road, Kolkata-700 009, for a walk-in-interview to work as a Research Fellow in the project entitled “Mimicking of the active sites of some metalloenzymes with special emphasis on catechol oxidase, phosphatase, metallo B- lactamase and urease” funded by Department of Science & Technology, Government of West Bengal under the supervision of Dr. Debasis Das, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

Job Title – Research Fellow

No.of.Posts – 1

Project Title – “Mimicking of the active sites of some metalloenzymes with special emphasis on catechol oxidase, phosphatase, metallo B- lactamase and urease”

Principal Investigator – Dr. Debasis Das

Funding Agency – Department of Science & Technology

Tenure of Post – 3 years (Initially one year)

Age – below 35 years at the time of appointment

Fellowship – 14000/- + 15% HRA + Rs. 300/- (Medical Allowance) pm (for First Year))


M. Sc. in Chemistry with Inorganic Chemistry specialization from a UGC recognized University/with a minimum of 55% marks in the subject concerned. NET/GATE qualified candidate with research experience will

be preferred.

Application Instructions:

Candidates willing to appear in the interview must bring (i) all original of the testimonials, (ii) two sets of complete application furnishing bio-data on a plain paper enclosing all attested copies of testimonials. No TA/DA is admissible.

Walk-In Details:

Date of Interview – 16th December 2016

Time of Interview – 03:00 PM

Venue of Interview – the Head of the Department of Chemistry, 92, A. P. C. Road, Kolkata-700 009

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