Applications are invited in plain papers containing full bio-data for recruitment of one Research Associate (RA-I) in a CEFIPRA/Department of Science & Technology sponsored project entitled, “Molybdenum-containing enzymes: bioinspired peptidic catalysts for CO2 reduction”.
No. of post : One (1)
Duration : six months
Age limit : 32 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per Govt. rule.
Emoluments : As per rules of the Association.
Qualifications –
Essential –
a) Candidate should have first class B.Sc. & with minimum average 60%
b) The candidate has a Ph.D degree in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and 1 year research experience after PhD degree
Experience –
Experience in synthesis and structural characterization using various modern techniques including NMR, MALDI, single crystal X-ray diffraction would be advantageous. Preference will be given to candidates having experience in bioorganic chemistry particularly in the synthesis of complex bioorganic molecules in synthetic organic chemistry lab.
The post is purely temporary and it would therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any attending the interview. No TA will be admissible for attending the interview.
How to Apply:
Candidates may send their applications containing complete bio-data (including email and phone number) by December 7, 2016 to E-mail: [email protected] (Dr
. Surajit Sinha) or may attend the interview along with the biodata to the following address.Date of Interview (Walk-in Interview): 8th December 2016 at 11 am in Organic Chemistry Department Office
Application Deadline – 07th December 2016