Applications are invited from the citizens of India for filling up the following temporary position for the sponsored project undertaken in the Department of Chemistry of this Institute. The position is temporary initially for a period of 1 Year and tenable only for the duration of the project. The requisite qualification & experience etc. are given below:
Job Title – Project Research Assistant
No.of.Posts – 2
Project Title – “Consultancy Project – Developing processes for manufacture of various fragrance compounds” (Chemistry Department)
Project Code – 16CH001
Salary – Consolidated salary Rs.30000 – 42000 + Rs.4000.00/- Out Of Campus Allowance (if applicable) p.m.
Job Profile –
The candidate is required to carry out Industrial project. The work will involve multi-step synthesis of organic compounds of interest to industry.
Qualifications –
Candidates with First class in M.Sc. in Chemistry with proven experience of carrying out multistep organic synthesis.Experience of working with volatile compounds and perfumery chemicals. Experience of working on industrial project. Candidates should note that this is Industrial Project and there is no possibility of registration for Ph.D programme through this post.
How to Apply:
Candidate possessing
the requisite qualification and experience should apply online at , if there is any problem applying online, candidates may apply on plain paper stating the CIRCULAR NO. No. , project title, position applied for, name,permanent and mailing addresses,date of birth,details of academic qualification and experience or download the Application form available on with the copies of certificates/testimonials and must super scribe the envelope with CIRCULAR NO. No. & POST: to the Asstt. Registrar (R & D),Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076 so as to reach on or before 30th November, 2016 . Candidates called for interview will be required to attend at their own expenses.The appointment is for time bound project and the candidate is required to work mainly for the successful completion of the project . The selection committee may offer lower or higher designation and lower or higher salary depending upon the experience and performance of the candidate in the interview.
Application Deadline – 30th November 2016