Apply for JRF @ NIT Patna – Chemistry Candidates Eligible


(An Institute under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

ADVERTISEMENT FOR Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Job Title – Junior Research Fellow

No.of.Posts – 1

Project Title – Stereoselective strategies towards b-glycosylation: En route synthesis of bioactive compounds

Reference Number – File No. ECR/2016/000623

Sponsor – DST, SERB, Govt. of India,  New Delhi

Principal Investigator – Dr. RIMA THAKUR, Dept of Chemistry, NIT Patna

Age Limit – 28 Years (Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/ PH/ Female will be given as per DST norms.)

Consolidated Compensations

  • Upto Rs.25,000/‐ per month for first two years
  • Based on the performance, the position may be extended to one more year with the emolument @ Rs. 28000/- per month.
  • HRA may be given to the JRF as per Central Government norms if the JRF is not given hostel accommodation.


M. Sc in Chemistry with atleast 55% marks and valid NET/GATE score. Candidates having interest or specialization in the area of organic synthesis will be preferred.

How to Apply:

  • Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may appear the interview along with all original certificates.
  • An advance copy of the application on a plain paper along with complete curriculum vitae and self-attested photocopies of all testimonials should reach within 17th December, 2016 to the Principle Investigator, Dr. Rima Thakur ([email protected]), Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Patna, Ashok Rajpath, 800005.
  • The envelope should be superscripted as “Application for the Post of JRF in the Project File No. ECR/2016/000623″.

More Information:

  • The assignment is purely temporary in nature and it is co-terminous with the project.
  • If selected, initially the position will be offered for 01 year.
  • Appointment may be extended on yearly basis maximum up to total tenure of 03 years depending upon the performance of the candidate.
  • No T. A. and D. A. or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview.
  • All original testimonials should be produced during interview for verification.

Application Deadline – 17th December 2016

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