Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology also known as GBPUA&T, Pantnagar University or Pantvarsity is the first agricultural university of India.
Job Title – Senior Research Fellow
No.of.Posts – ONE
Project Title – “AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response Correlation”
Fellowship – Rs. 25,000/- per month for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 28,000/- per month for 3rd year.
Qualifications –
- M.Sc. Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry/ M.Sc. Agriculture Chemistry with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s Degree with working knowledge of computer (MS-Office, Data Analysis) OR
- M.Sc. Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry/ M.Sc. Agriculture Chemistry with 3 years of Bachelor’s Degree and 2 years’ Master’s Degree should also have NET qualification with working knowledge of computer (MS-Office, Data Analysis)
Job Description: The job will involve laboratory work as well as field work (full time)
How to Apply:
The candidates should apply on plain paper in the format linked below to Head, Department of Soil Science, G.B. pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Patnagar latest by 09.12.2016 by 05:00 PM
Application Deadline – 09th December 2016