CURAJ Hiring for Research Fellow Post in DST Project

Senior couple talking or consulting with pharmacist. [url=][IMG][/IMG][/url] [url=][IMG][/IMG][/url]

Applications are invited for the position of Research Fellow in the research project P. 7(3) S &T/R &D/2016/2616 entitled “Computational studies, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel pyrimidin-4-amine derivatives, as multi targeted kinase inhibitors” funded by Department of Science and Technology, Rajasthan (DST-Rajasthan), Jaipur at Department of Pharmacy, School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer, Rajasthan. The position is on purely temporary basis and co-terminus  with the project.

Job Title – Junior Research Fellow

No.of.Posts – ONE

Tenure of Assignment – 01 Year (extendable to a total of 03 years based on annual performance)

Fellowship – Rs. 11,400 p.m. (consolidated)


  • Essential – B. Pharm./M. Pharm. with 2 years experience.
  • Desirable – Working Experience in the Area of Computational studies, synthesis and biological evaluation employed in the area of Medicinal Chemistry.

How to Apply:

The candidates may apply on a plain paper, along with their curriculum vitae ( including email id, phone no. and passport size photograph) and email to [email protected] or post the hard copy to the address mentioned for Principle Investigator (PI) on or before the last date. Candidates will be shortlisted based on the merit and need of the project. Shortlisted

candidates will be intimated for the interview via e-mail. If called for interview, candidates should bring the original certificates, proof of experience and other relevant documents.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview

Application Deadline –  17th November 2016

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