Special Theme Based Call For Proposals Under Organic Chemistry-EMR
Call Status: Open
Proposal Deadline: 31st October 2016
Duration: 3 years
Call Outline:
Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) is pleased to announce a special theme-based call for R & D proposals, initiated by the Program Advisory Committee of Organic Chemistry, in the following five themes:
- Health: Chemical Neuroscience, Type II Diabetes, Orphan Diseases/Neglected diseases.
- Value Added Chemicals and Biomass Conversion.
- Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage.
- Systems Chemistry and Sustainability.
- Controlling Chemical Reactivity
- Applicant should be an Indian citizen residing in India.
- The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized institution.
- Researchers working in academic institutions, national laboratories and recognized R&D units are encouraged to submit proposals.
- A multi-disciplinary and multi-investigator approach is encouraged to address the diverse challenges in the contemporary research areas of national interest. Therefore, collaboration is necessary for this thematic call and the proposal should have at least two collaborators- one with an organic chemistry background and the other having complementary research expertise in some other discipline.
Nature of Proposals to be Supported:
The scheme is aimed at supporting proposals that are new, challenge existing hypothesis, and provide ‘out of box’ thinking
on important problems. It should contain significant risk elements but promise of high reward if the difficulties could be circumvented. It is expected that the success of such proposals will have far reaching implications in S&T. Outcome could be new and significant theoretical or experimental advances, formulation of new hypothesis, or breakthrough science which will lead to new technologies. Proposals that address scientific issues which will result in ‘incremental’ knowledge will not be supported. Ideally, the proposal must contain bold research ideas which will have wide ranging impact and potential for new scientific and technological innovations.Nature & Duration of Support:
- The proposal should include strong organic chemistry component supported by experimental schemes/data.
- The funding can be provided for a maximum period of three years.
- The research grant covers equipment, manpower, consumables, manpower, travel and contingency apart from overheads.
Selection & Mode Of Application:
- The call for proposals will be notified through the website www.serbonline.in and www.serb.gov.in
- The proposals will be evaluated through peer review processes as approved by Board.
How to apply online:
For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:
- Applicant(s) should first register into the online website click here to register
- After log-in, applicant(s) are required to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Detail section under User Profile, which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
- Ensure that all the CO-PI’s are also registered into the system and fill all the details.
- Some of the details of your proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Manpower,Consumables,Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
- Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as other technical document (OTD).
- Download Template
Complete guideline for Principal Investigator for SERB-online system
Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:
- Biodata (under user profile section) Download Template
- Certificate from Principal Investigator Download Template
- Endorsement Letter from the Head of Institution Download Template
Contact Details :
The contact details of Programme Officers are given below :
Dr. Monika Agarwal, Scientist ‘E’
Science and Engineering Research Board
5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor,
Vasant Square Mall,Plot No. A, Community Centre,
Sector-5, Pocket-5, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi-110070
Email: [email protected]