Join as the RA/SRF/JRF @ IIT Patna | Earn upto Rs. 36,000 + HRA/MA


Join as the RA/SRF/JRF @ IIT Patna | Earn upto Rs. 36,000 + HRA/MA

Indian Institute of Technology Patna is one of the new IITs established by an Act of the Indian Parliament on August 06, 2008. Patna which was known as Patliputra has been a center of knowledge since long has been attracting visitors and scholars from many parts of the world such as China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, among others. This has been a land of visionaries.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format only for the following assignment in a purely time bound research project undertaken in this institute.

Position Title: Research Associate (RA)/Senior research Fellow (SRF)/Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Number of Post: One

Name of the temporary research project: Imidates : A new class of N-H directing group for C(sp2) – H Activation and tools for synthesis of highly functionalized heterocycle

Name of the sponsoring Agency: CSIR, New Delhi

Consolidated Fellowship: Rs. 36,000/14,000/12,000- pm plus HRA/MA

Qualifications & Experience:

  • RA: Ph.D (Chemistry) & must have experience in synthetic organic/ medicinal chemistry with good quality publications.
  • SRF: M.Sc (Chemistry) + 2 years research experience with, preferably in organic/ medicinal chemistry with good quality publications. The NET/GATE qualification is mandatory.
  • JRF: M.Sc. (Chemistry) preferably in organic/ medicinal chemistry with 60% marks or CPI of 6.5. Only candidates with valid CSIR NET-JRF/LS, GATE qualification or equivalent are eligible to apply.

Upper age Limit: 28 yrs (JRF)/ 32 Yrs (SRF)/ 35 Yrs (RA) Relaxation in upper age and marks for SC/ST/OBC/women/ physically handicapped will be given as per the GoI rules. Candidate having experience in relevant area may be preferred.

How To Apply:

The candidates interested in the above area of research and for the above post may apply in the prescribed application form (format attached) with complete informations and attachments (certificates/documents) along with CV may be sent to the undersigned preferably by e-mail ([email protected]) after scanning all the documents/certificates/ filled application form to Dr. Amit Kumar (Principal Investigator), Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Kanpa Road, Amhara Bihta latest by 25.08.2016 upto 5:30 PM

NOTE: The envelope and the application both should clearly mention the post applied for “..JRF/SRF/RA…”.P.S. send DOC file in the prescribed format with file name as first name last name.doc

Last date of received of application: 25.08.2016.

Candidates may also note the following points:

  • IIT Patna reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short-listing of eligible candidates
  • The project team will have the right to put any screening criteria in case large numbers of applications are received.
  • The committee also reserves right for not selecting any candidate/offering lower post in case candidates are not found suitable for the applied post.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail/Mobile and no separate interview letter will be issued for the same.
  • Please note that no TA/DA will be given to the candidates called for the interview.

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