Walk-in for the post of SRF @ National Dairy Research Institute


The National Dairy Research Institute as country’s premier Dairy Research institution has developed considerable expertise over the last five decades in different areas of Dairy Production, Processing, Management and Human Resource Development. Information generated at the Institute and the services offered have contributed to the growth of Dairy Industry as a whole and well-being of millions of milk producers and consumers of milk and milk products. Realizing the challenging need of global Dairy Trade, the Institute is continuously working to develop its R&D and HRD programmes to better serve the nation in terms of food security, employment generation, poverty alleviation and economic prosperity.

The Walk-in-Interview for the positions of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in below mentioned project/scheme will be conducted at this Institute on the date/time and venue and other details shown against positions on contractual basis, which is co-terminus with the project/scheme. The eligible candidates are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for Walk in Interview at NDRI, Bengaluru.

Project Title: Dynamics of major acute phase proteins in relation to energy status during perpartum period to predict productive and reproductive performance in cows.

Position Title: SRF

No. of Posts: 01(One)

Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- per month + 30 % HRA

as per ICAR Norms

Duration: Upto 31st March, 2017

Qualifications: M.V.Sc./ M.Sc. in Veterinary or Animal Science / M.Sc in Life Science (biochemistry/ biotechnology/ microbiology). Those who have minimum one year Experience with above qualification Will be given preference.

Age Limit: 35 year for Men and 40 years for Women in case of SRF on the date of Interview. (Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and PHC as per GOI/ICAR rules)

Tenure: The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled in on Contractual basis. The selected candidate shall have no right/claim for regular appointment at this Institute, as the engagement is co-terminus with the Project/Scheme.


  • Those candidates who are already working in any project/scheme/organization Should bring “No Objection Certificate” from his present employer.
  • On the date of Walk-In-Interview required Degree Certificate should be in hand.
  • The experience will be counted after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications.
  • Application format: Name, Fathers Name, Date of Birth, Full Present and Permanent address with Telephone Numbers and email address, Category: General/SC/ST/OBC, Qualification details with percentage marks from matriculation/high school onwards (starting from the highest qualification first), Previous Experience, if any, self declaration regarding truthfulness in the application, signature with date and place.

How To Apply:

Interested candidates may attend Walk-in Interview on the dates as indicated against each project/scheme along with original certificates and typed bio-data with one set of attested copies of each their certificates with passport size photograph. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. All eligible candidates are advised to be present at least 30 minutes before scheduled time on the date of interview for completing necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates.

Walk-in Interview:

Date: 4th July 2016

Time: 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Seminar Hall, Education & Training Section, SRS of NDRI, Adugodi, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560030

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