Walk in Interview for M.Pharm/M.Sc ( 20 posts) in Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants


ustify">Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants is a research institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research with its headquarter in Lucknow. It is engaged in the field of science and business of medicinal and aromatic plants.

Eligible and interested candidates  may  attend the Interview for  engagement  on  purely  temporary   basis  as   Project  Assistants  of  different  level/JRF/RA-Projects   on  contract  basis  in  the   Projects  under  CSIR   Network Scheme, Grant-in-aid Projects and other projects sponsored by Govt. Agencies  tenable at CSIR-CIMAP,  Lucknow in various disciplines detailed as under:

PA ‐ II – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. in Entomology/Zoology Or First class M.Pharma in Pharmacology
Stipend : 12000/- pm

JRF-Project  – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  : 28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with/without NET/GATE/BET/BINC qualification or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course. Desirable qualification: Research exprerience in the area of biochemisty/molecular biology.
Stipend : 12000 + HRA/ ‐ pm (First Class Post Graduate degree in Basic Science without NET/GATE/BET/BINC) or 25000 + HRA/ ‐ pm

PA II – 2  post
Max.Age  Limit : 28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. in Botany/Genetics & Plant Breeding/Biotechnol ogy/Agriculture Sciences/Plant Sciences/Life Sciences, etc.
Stipend : 12000/- pm

PA III  Or  PA II – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years or
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : For PA ‐ III First class M.Sc. in Biotechnology / Horticulture with two years’ experience in lab to land projects on MAPs.
Or For PA ‐ II First class M.Sc. in Biotechnology / Horticulture.
Stipend : 14000/ ‐ pm Or 12000/ ‐ pm

PA III 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc./M.Tech . in Biochemisty/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology with two years of research experience in the area of biochemisty/molecular biology/ Biotechnology.
Stipend : 14000/- pm

PA III Or  PA II  – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years  or
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : For PA ‐ III First class M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics with two years work experience in In ‐ silico QSAR, docking, ADMET studies,
Or First class MCA with two experience in DBMS/ProgrammingDesirable: Working experience of Sybyl ‐ X (Certara, USA) molecular modeling software or database/tool development
Or For PA ‐ II First class M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics with work experience in In ‐ silico QSAR, docking, ADMET studies,
Or First class MCA with work experience in DBMS/Programming Desirable: Working experience of Sybyl ‐ X (Certara, USA) molecular modeling software or database/tool development
Stipend : 14000/ ‐ pm Or 12000/ ‐ pm

PA II  – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Science.
Stipend : 12000/- pm

PA III  – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. in Biotechnology with two years experience of working in the area of Plant Molecular Biology .
Stipend : 14000/- pm

PA II   – 1 post    
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc in Botany/ Plant Science with two years relevant in botany/ plant science. Desirable qualification: Ph.D degree in plant sciences.
Stipend : 14000/- pm

PA II   – 1 post   
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. In Biotechnology Desirable qualification: Two years experience in plant tissue culture .
Stipend : 12000/-

RA ‐ Project – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  35  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. in Life Sciences/Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
Desirable qualification: Minimum two year experience in in vitro (Plasmodium falciparum) and in vivo antimalarial assays/ Cell culture and laboratory animal experimentation dealing with biochemical and immunological assays.
Stipend : 12000/-

RA ‐ Project – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  35  Years
Essential Qualification : Ph.D awarded in Genetics/ Plant Breeding/ Life Sciences with research work in Genetics and Plant Breeding. Desirable: ‐ Working experience in DUS testing of plant varieties.
Stipend : 40000+HRA/ ‐ pm

PA ‐ II – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. In Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Sciences. Desirable qulification: ‐ Experience in areas of Molecular Biology and Microbiology.
Stipend : 12000/- pm

PA ‐ II – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. In Biochemistry or Biotechnology
Stipend : 12000/- pm

PA ‐ II – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : First class M.Sc. In Microbiology. Desirable qulification: ‐  Two years experience in working on PGPR and C.elegans.
Stipend :  12000/- pm

PA III   Or  PA II   – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years or
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : For PA ‐ III First class M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics with two years work experience in In ‐ silico QSAR, docking, ADMET studies, Or First class MCA with two years experience in DBMS/Programming
Desirable: Working experience of Sybyl ‐ X (Certara, USA) molecular modeling software or database/tool development
Or For PA ‐ II First class M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics with work experience in In ‐ silico QSAR, docking, ADMET studies, Or First class MCA with work experience in DBMS/Programming Desirable: Working experience
Stipend : 14000/ ‐ pm Or 12000/ ‐ pm

PA III Or  PA II  – 2 post
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years   or
Max.Age  Limit  28  Years
Essential Qualification : For PA ‐ III First class M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Agronomy /Extension/ MBA in Agri Business with two years’ experience in Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Agronomy /Extension/ MBA in Agri Business
Or For PA ‐ II First class M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Agronomy /Extension/ MBA in Agri Business.
Stipend : 14000/ ‐ pm Or 12000/ ‐ pm

RA ‐ Project  Or  PA III – 1 post
Max.Age  Limit  35  Years  or
Max.Age  Limit  32  Years
Essential Qualification : For RA : ‐ Ph.D Degree awarded in Life Sciences with experience in microbiology.
or For PA ‐ III : ‐ First class M.Sc. in Microbilogy/Biotechnology/Botany/ Life Sciences with two year experience in microbiological work.
Stipend : For RA 22000+HRA or For PA ‐ III 14000/ ‐ pm

Desirable     Qualification:  
Practical  experience  in the  relevant     field   (as above)as evident     by      publications/thesis/dissertation.

Terms & Conditions: 

  • For Project Assistants Level-I/II/III,  the upper age limit as mentioned for  all the above positions will be as on  Date of  Interview(Dated  28-06-2016  Reporting  Time  9.30AM)   which  is  relaxable  upto  5  years  in  the  case  of  candidates   belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons  with disabilities and 3 years for OBC candidates.
  • Special age relaxation in case of widows, Divorced women  and women judicially separated from their husbands, who  are not remarried as per rules.
  • The positions will be co-terminus with the Network, Grant-in  aid projects and other projects against which the stipend  is offered to the candidates and are  non-transferable to another Project.
  • In case of  JRFSRF/RA (Projects), the upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on  Date of Interview  which is  relaxableupto  5  years  in  the  case  of   candidates  belonging  to  scheduled   Caste/Scheduled  Tribes/Persons  with   disabilities/ Women/ OBC.
  • If the number of candidates is large, a written test may  be conducted to shortlist the candidates for interview.

Interested  candidates  may  appear  before  the  committee  on  the  date  and  time  mentioned  as  above  for  the   respective area/Project  in the Auditorium of the Institute for inte rview alongwith their signed Bio-Data on prescribed  performa alongwith original and attested copies of mark sheets/certificates and a recent passport size photograph.   No  TA  will  be  admissible.  The  complete  advertisement   &application  form  is  also  available  at  CSIR-CIMAP  www.cimap.res.in

Date of  Interview  (Repo.Time   9.30 AM) – 28th June, 2016

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