National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management JRF/ SRF/ Young Professional in Pune


JRF/ SRF/ Young Professional jobs in National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management

Under DST project entitled : “Characterizing sugarcane and citrus stress responses to abiotic and biotic stresses through hyper spectral remote sensing”

02 posts

Qualification: *M.Sc (Agri.) with specialization in Plant Physiology / Biochemistry/Biotechnology *M.Sc. in Biochemistry/Biotechnology / Botany/ Chemistry.Desirable Qualification:  Experience in biochemical analysis of plants (enzymatic, protein, amino acid, chlorophyll, phenol, nutrients etc.)

JRF/2 Posts

Qualification:*M.Sc (Agri.) with specialization in Agrometeorology /Agricultural Physics / Agricultural Statistics *B.Tech. (Agri. Engg) *M.Sc. in Geoinformatics /Physics/Statistics.Desirable Qualification : Knowledge of statistical analysis (SAS, SPSS, R etc.);data analysis (Principal component etc.); remote sensing software (ENVI etc.); knowledge of programming languages.

Pay Scale : Rs.25,000/- per month + 10% HRA for first 2 years and Rs.28,000/- per month+ 10% HRA for 3 rd yea

Under NICRA project entitled:  “Phenotyping of pulses for enhanced tolerance to drought, heat and salinity”

SRF/2 Posts

Qualification:Post graduate in Agricultural or in Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology / Agricultural Biotechnology / Physiology / Genetics / Plant Breeding / Plant Biochemistry.Desirable Qualification:  2 years Experience in controlled environment facilities / experience in screening crop genotypes, use of physiological /biochemical/molecular biology methods & knowledge of computer operated greenhouse and its maintenance.


Scale : Rs.25,000

Young Professional –I /1 Post

Qualification:Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Desirable Qualification: Experience in computer operated machines / Agriculture Machineries knowledge about SCADA, maintenance of AC.

Pay Scale :Rs.15,000

Note: *Post graduate degree in basic science with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course with NET qualification or post-graduate degree in professional course. SRFs, JRFs, YP-I positions are purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project, extendable to a maximum of another term based on needs of the organization and performance of the candidate.

Age: The maximum age for SRFs, JRFs, and Young Professional-I will be 35 years (Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Women & 3 years for OBC). The age will be computed from the date of Interview.

Place of work:  ICAR-NIASM, Malegaon, Baramati, Pune (Dist.).

How to apply

The application form complete in all respects along with recent photograph and a set of self-attested copies of date of birth proof, requisite mark-sheets, educational certificates and other supporting documents need to be brought (along with originals) while attending the interview.

Walk-in-Test/Interview will be held at ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, on 30.06.2016 at 10:30 am.


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