Applications are invited from Indian Nationals only for Project Staff Positions as per the details given below, for research project, under the principal investigator Dr. Shima P Damodaran, DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-15, Tamil Nadu.
1. Title of the Project: Fabrication of advanced functional magnetic nano-composites for thermal engineering, biomedical & sensor applications
2. Funding Agency for Project specimen: Department of Science and Technology (DST)
3. Project Positions and Number: Project Staff (1)
4. Qualifications: 1 st class in M. Sc/M.Phil in Chemistry
5. Emoluments: Rs: 14000/-per month (fixed and no other allowance)
6. Duration: 4 years (2016-2020)
Job Description: To pursue research & may register for Ph.D.
A. Candidates before appearing for the interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they intend to apply.
B. Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents to the Office of the Principal Investigator through Registered/ Post.
Postal address: Dr. Shima P Damodaran, DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu-620 015, India Email: [email protected].
C. Application should be furnished only in the prescribed format.
D. Experience including research, industrial field and others.
E. Self-attested copies of degree/ certificate and experience certificate
. Candidates shall bring along with them the original certificates at the time of interview for verification.G. Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.
H. The last date and time of submission of duly filled application is on 27/05/2016. The application should be submitted only in the prescribed format.