AstraZeneca launches integrated genomics approach to transform drug discovery and development


AstraZeneca and its global biologics research and development arm, MedImmune, announced an integrated genomics initiative to transform drug discovery and development across its entire research and development pipeline.

The initiative includes new collaborations with Human Longevity, Inc., US; the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK, and The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Finland. AstraZeneca will also establish an in-house Centre for Genomics Research which will develop a bespoke database comprising genome sequences from samples donated by patients in its clinical trials together with associated clinical and drug response data.

AstraZeneca believes that embedding genomics across its research and development platforms will deliver novel insights into the biology of diseases, enable the identification of new targets for medicines, support selection of patients for clinical trials, allow patients to be matched with treatments more likely to benefit them.


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