Career in Vaccine research at National Institute of Immunology – Emolument Rs 36000/month

Injectable drugs and injections

The National Institute of Immunology (NII) is committed to advanced research addressing the basic mechanisms involved in body’s defence to identify modalities for manipulation of the immune system to provide protection against diseases and understand mechanisms that can be used to target disease processes for intervention. The institute’s research thrust areas under immunology and related disciplines cluster in four main themes, namely, infection and immunity, molecular design, gene regulation and reproduction and development, where cutting edge research in modern biology is being carried out.

Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:

Post: Research Associate (One Position only)

NAME OF THE PROJECT: ‘Centre for Excellence in vaccine delivery using biodegradable polymeric particles’ funded by DBT

Tenable till: 17.12.2020

EDUCATIONAL Qualification: Ph.D. degree in immunology, molecular biology, infectious diseases or closely related field.

Job description and desired knowledge:
Our laboratory applies a multidisciplinary approach to address questions in the area of microbial interface biology and associated host immune response to the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. We are interested in host-pathogen interaction, infection and immunity, and vaccine development. We combine immunological, molecular and genetic approaches with in vitro and

in vivo models for these studies.

The candidate should be interested in applying his/ her skills in the field of immunology/ molecular biology to human infectious diseases. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in immunology or infectious diseases and demonstrated expertise in animal models and should possess common experimental skills in immunology, molecular biology and cell biology. Prior experience in vaccine immunology is important but not necessary.

EMOLUMENTS : The selected candidates will draw consolidated emoluments as per Institute rules, depending upon qualifications and experience Research Associate: Rs. 36,000/- per month plus 30% HRA.

Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. Devinder Sehgal Staff Scientist – VI

SCIENTIST’S EMAIL ID : [email protected]

General terms and conditions:
1. Apart from sending application in the prescribed format given below, the candidates should send a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae and a statement of research experience relevant to this position (all as a single PDF file). The cover letter should summarize the candidate’s research accomplishments in one page. The Curriculum Vitae should contain details of his/ her technical expertise and list of publications, if any. Contact information (with complete postal address, email ID and phone number) for 3 academic referees should be provided. The subject line of your email application should read ‘Application for Research Associate position’.
2. The candidates selected for the above posts will be on contract for one year or duration of the project whichever is shorter, at a time.
3. No hostel/ housing facility will be provided.
4. Applicants may clearly mention the category they belong to i. e. SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH and attach documentary proof of the same.
5. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview, if called for.
6. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

Interested candidates may apply directly, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN BELOW, through e-mail to the Principal Investigator of the project, clearly indicating the name of the project along with their complete Curriculum Vitae, e-mail ID, fax number, telephone numbers. Only Short listed candidates will be called for interview and they are required to submit attested copies of all their certificates and a Demand Draft of Rs 100/- drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi/ New Delhi in favour of the Director, NII (SC/ ST/ PH and women candidates are exempted from payment of fees, subject to submission of documentary proof), at the time of interview.


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