Govt. Job : Project Scientist Openings @ The National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR)

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National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR) an Autonomous Society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New Delhi is the nodal agency responsible for planning, co-ordinating and executing the Indian Polar Programme. In addition, the Centre has a well-focused scientific mandate of basic and applied research in various disciplines and themes of polar and ocean sciences.

Director, NCAOR invites applications from eligible & prospective candidates of Indian Nationals, for filling up of below posts under the various scientific projects temporary on contract basis. The details about the positions, pay, academic qualifications, responsibilities, format of application and other general conditions are given below. The post wise eligibility criteria and job requirement is as under:-

Position I

Job Title – Project Scientist B

No.of.Posts – 1

Post Code – 01

Project Title – Pliocene Arctic Climate Teleconnections (PACT)

Age – 35 Yrs

Emoluments – PB-3 (15600-39100) + GP Rs. 5400 + HRA, DA as per GOI norms

Job Requirement

(i) To undertake palaeoceanographic research on marine sediment cores.
(ii) To undertake an active role in the project towards palaeoclimatic reconstruction of Pliocene climate in Arctic region and its linkages to the Indian monsoons


(i) Master’s degree in Marine Sciences / Earth Sciences / Chemical Sciences or equivalent from a recognized university with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree level.


(i) Two years of relevant experience in marine geochemistry/ isotope geochemistry
(ii) Hands-on experience in handling instruments like ICP-MS / MCICPMS

Position II

Job Title – Project Scientist B

No.of.Posts – 1

Post Code – 05

Project Title – Past Climate and Oceanic variability

Age – 35 Yrs

Emoluments – PB-3 (15600-39100) + GP Rs. 5400 + HRA, DA as per GOI norms

Job Requirement

(i) To play an active role in the work related to the project; participation in scientific cruises, Antarctic expedition; data acquisition, processing and interpretation


(i) Master’s Degree in Marine Sciences/Marine Chemistry or equivalent from a recognized university with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree level.


(i) Two years of academic/R&D experience in the relevant field.
(ii) Experience in scientific cruise participation.
(iii) Experience in acquisition, processing and interpretation of Marine/Lacustrine Chemical, Geochemical, Biological, and physical data

Position III

Job Title – Project Scientist B

No.of.Posts – 1

Post Code – 08

Project Title – Environmental Monitoring and health of Indian Antarctic stations in Pursuit of Antarctica-Treaty System and its Governance

Age – 35 Yrs

Emoluments – PB-3 (15600-39100) + GP Rs. 5400 + HRA, DA as per GOI norms

Job Requirement

(i) play an active role in all facets of the work program related to the project, participation in scientific expeditions, data acquisition, processing and interpretation
(ii) Any other scientific/technical jobs that may be assigned from time to time


(i) Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Organic/Inorganic/Applied /Analytical/Physical) from a recognized university with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree level.


(i) Two years of academic/R&D experience in the relevant field.
(ii) Experience in analytical techniques related to air/water/sediment sample analysis and instrument operation

Position IIV

Job Title – Project Scientist B

No.of.Posts – 1

Post Code – 10

Project Title – Hydrothermal Sulphides

Age – 35 Yrs

Emoluments – PB-3 (15600-39100) + GP Rs. 5400 + HRA, DA as per GOI norms

Job Requirement

(i) To play an active role in work related to the project and participation in scientific cruises for marine data/sample collection, analysis etc.
(ii) Analysis of seawater and sediment samples for identification of plume locations and hydrothermal deposits.
(iii) Development of baseline environmental data.


(i) Master’s Degree in Chemistry/Chemical Sciences/Chemical Oceanography/Environmental Science from a recognized university with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree level.


(i) Experience in the field relevant to the nature of responsibilities, including (1) analysis of major, trace and rare earth elements, isotopes etc. and (2) extraction of dissolved gases, trace metals from seawater.

Application Instructions:

The entire application procedure is made online. Copies of certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth, disability (OH,PH), caste (ST/ST/OBC), experience, no objection certificates, digital signatures, photograph etc. should be uploaded during the online application process. All the uploads should be in .jpg format with the file size less than 100 kb for photograph and signature; less than 500 kb for all educational, caste and experience certificates. Hence, candidates are advised to be ready with all individual scanned documents of their certificates before starting the online application. Candidates must produce the original certificates while appearing for Interview or as and when required. If the certificates are in a language other than English or Hindi, attested translation should be enclosed.

Application submitted without the scanned copies of the certificates will be rejected.

The selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India and outside.

Out-station candidates called for interview will be paid to-and-fro Sleeper-class railway/Bus fare by the shortest route on production of proof of journey tickets etc. The candidates need to make their own stay arrangements. NCAOR will not be responsible for any accommodation arrangements.

Applications received after the closing date or received incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained.

How to Apply:

To apply, the applicant must fill the online application form available at ESSO-NCAOR website / alongwith the scanned documents under the respective post code. The candidates are not required to send any hard copies to the undersigned.

In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form (not for other queries), please email to [email protected]

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