CSIR-CSMCRI MSc Chemistry Project Research Job Openings – Apply Now
Junior Research Fellow (Project) /Project Associate-I
Sr. No. | Project Title and Project Number | Details of posts with number of posts | Essential Qualifications and experience, if any along with monthly emoluments in rupees | Age limit* | |
2 |
DST-WTI funded Project entitled “Development and performance demonstration of single-pass antifouling reverse osmosis desalination membrane and modules in seawater desalination plant” (GAP 2169)
CSIR Funded project Development of proton exchange membrane for hydrogen fuel cell (HCP 44) |
Junior Research Fellow (Project) /Project Associate-I (2 no)
Project Associate-II/project Associate-I (01 no) |
Qualification: M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Emolument: Rs 31000/- + HRA for NET or GATE qualified candidate Rs 25000 + HRA for non GATE/NET qualified
Qualification: M.Sc. (Chemistry) + 2 years experience on ion exchange membrane for Project Associate-II M.Sc. (Chemistry) for PA-I Emolument 28000+ HRA for PA-II and 25000 + HRA for PA-I |
28 years for JRF and 35 years for PA-I and PA-II as on last date of receipt of application. Age relaxation as per CSIR rules.
Job Description:
The Selected candidates will work on DST and
CSIR sponsored project at Membrane Science and Separation Technology Division, CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research InstituteProject Investigator: Dr. Uma Chatterjee (HCP 44), Dr Nirmal Kumar Saha (GAP 2169)
Work Place: MSST Division, Central salt and Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India
How to Apply:
The interested and motivated candidates are requested to send their complete application in a prescribed format along with copies of mark sheets and certificates of essential qualifications, age, experience and category certificates etc. in a single pdf file for scrutiny through e-mail ([email protected]) latest by 9th June, 2024. Received applications will be scrutinized based on a certain criteria and only shortlisted candidates will be asked to attain interview using online mode. The details of the interviews (dates, time and venue) will be intimated only to shortlisted candidates by e-mail. These positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The engagement of a project staff in different projects either in the CSIR – Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar or different Lab./Instt of CSIR taken together shall not exceed 5 years in any case. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar.