TIFR Mumbai Chemistry Recruitment – Applications Invited
Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005
National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science and Mathematics and a Deemed to be University
Telephone: 022-2278 2000 Fax: 022-2280 4610/11 Website: www.tifr.res.in
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Applications are invited for the position of Visiting Fellow / Research Associate/ Postdoctoral Fellow to work in the field of Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging (PI: Ankona Datta) in the Department of Chemical Sciences (DCS), TIFR, Mumbai.
Number of post: 1
Post: Visiting Fellow (Post-doctoral Fellow)/ Research Associate Qualification
Essential: Ph.D. in Chemistry Desirable: Research experience in synthetic chemistry, organic synthesis of ligands, characterization of organic molecules by NMR and MS, and spectrophotometric titrations. Experience in cell culture and confocal microscopy desirable.
Job Requirement The Post-doctoral Fellow/ Research Associate will be working on the synthesis, characterization and optimization of fluorescent sensors for imaging metal ions in living cells. The post is for a project, funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) and the post is co-terminous with the project duration.
Visit: https://www.tifr.res.in/~ankona
Age Limit And Fellowship Age: Preferably below 33 years on 01.01.2024 Fellowship: Rs. 58000/- (RA-I starting salary
as per DST norms) + HRANature & Period of Post 1 year starting March 2024.
How to Apply:
Send a detailed CV including educational qualifications (in the format given below), additional qualifications like qualifying national level entrance tests, publications; a write up of research/work experience (a brief write up of one-two page). CV should include date of birth, present affiliation and occupation, address, contact number, and email ID Also, give name and address of two referees, who are familiar with your recent academic activities/progress.
Send the application to Prof. Ankona Datta via email to [email protected] subject line as “Application for Visiting Fellow/ Research Associate position”. Recommendation letters should be sent by referees directly to the same email address.
Keywords: TIFR, Chemistry, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate, Chemical Biology, Molecular Imaging. TIFR Mumbai Chemistry Recruitment – Applications Invited. Subscribe to Rasayanika for the latest chemistry and Pharma job openings, follow us on Facebook and Telegram and subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest updates on chemistry and Pharma jobs and much more.