PGIMER Research Jobs under BIRAC – Pharma Candidates Apply
Applications are invited on plain paper for the post of Research Fellow in the Biotechnology Industry Research Assist Council (BIRAC) under the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) funded project under Dr. Smita Pattanaik, Additional Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology as per the stated requirements below.
Job Title: Senior Research Fellow: 01 position
Essential Qualifications: First Class Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from a recognized university along with two years of relevant research experience.
Desirable: preference will be given to NET/GATE qualified candidate, relevant experience in the field.
Upper Age limit: As per GOI rules.
Remuneration as per the DBT, India (as per rules)
Job Title: Project Assistant: 01 position
Essential Qualifications: First Class Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from a recognized university with relevant experience.
Upper Age limit: As per GOI rules.
Remuneration as per the DBT, India (as per rules)
The engagement in the project is purely on temporary basis maximum for the period of duration of the project. Please note that it is not a PGIMER/BIRAC (DBT) appointment and will not confer any right on the incumbent to any claim implicit or explicit on any position.
How To Apply:
Interested Candidates
fulfilling the above requirements may submit their complete bio-data with self-attested photocopies of certificates/credentials/testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/ experience etc. and latest photograph by email to [email protected]. by 30th June 2020, 3.00 PM or in the office of the undersigned at Department of Pharmacology, Room No 4015/4030, Research Block -B, 4th Floor, PGIMER Chandigarh. Shortlisted candidates shall be intimated to appear for personal interview along with original Certificates through email/or telephone. No separate interview letters will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid.Last Date To Apply: 30th June
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