NIT Rourkela is one of the 31 National Institutes of Technology in India and has been recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007. According to the Times Higher Education(THE) ranking of the World’s best Universities 2017, it is ranked in top 800 institutes of world, it is only NIT to feature in the list
Name of the Temporary Post : Senior Research Fellow
Number of Vacancies: One
Name of the Research Project :“Fabrication and Application of Functionalized Magnetic Carbon Quantum Dots (MCQD) in Tumor Therapy: A new Light on Nanotheranostics”
Name of the Sponsoring Agency : DST, Govt. of India
Tenure of the Project : From Nov 2014 to Nov 2017
Tenure of the Assignment : One year
Essential Qualifications: MSc. Chemistry with 2 years research experience in synthesis of luminescent materials
Job Description :Chemical synthesis of luminescent magnetic materials and study of their application
Consolidated Fellowship:Rs. 28,000.00 per month
How to Apply:
Eligible persons should bring all the original certificates and mark sheets, filled application form in the prescribed format (available in the Institute Website) affixed with colored photographs to be submitted in duplicate along with photo copies of relevant certificates, grade/ mark sheets
, publications etc.. at the time of interview.Candidates will be short listed based on merit and need of the project.
For technical information on the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address:
Name : Prof. Sasmita Mohapatra
Address : Department of Chemistry, N.I.T., Rourkela-769 008
Telephone No : 0661-2462661 2 2
E-mail : [email protected]
Date and Time of interview: 26 October 2016 at 10 A.M
Venue: Department of Chemistry,N.I.T., Rourkela-769 008