PSG Institute of Advanced Studies Announces JRF Vacancy


PSG Institute of Advanced Studies Announces JRF Vacancy

PSG Institute of Advanced Studies was set up by PSG & Son’s Charities in 2006. The mandate of this institute is  to identify and establish R & D facilities niche areas in Science and Technology and recruit core faculty and staff, establish research facilities in selected areas through public and private funding,  explore academic linkage for PSG Institutions with industries, institutions and R & D organizations at National and International level and plan joint academic programmes with reputed universities.

Job Title:  Junior Research Fellow

Number of Vacancies:  One

Project Title:  “Development of Self-Cleaning Coatings Based on Superhydrophobicity for Solar Panel Applications”

Tenure:  2 years

Eligibility:  M.Phil.,/M.Sc., in Chemistry/Physics/Material Science. Or, M.Tech in Nanoscience and Technology/Chemical engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering with a minimum of 60% having good academic record.

Desirable:  Candidates having CSIR/UGC, NET/GATE will be preferred.


How To Apply:

The application on plain paper along with complete biodata, attested xerox copies of the mark sheets, degree certificates, testimonials and other academic credentials, should be sent to:

Dr. P. Biji
Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) in Nanotechnology
PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
P.B. No: 1609, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu
Coimbatore 641 004

by post as well as

through Email: [email protected], [email protected] .

Candidates found eligible will be called for an interview at PSG Institute of Advanced Studies. No TA/DA is permissible, if called for interview. Successful candidates will be advised to register for Ph.D.

Deadline:  10 September, 2016.

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