How to improve basic knowledge:

There are three steps you should follow:

Step I on Day 1: Read XI standard chemistry book. Read the book very fast so that you finish reading it in 4 hours. After that read Std. XII chemistry books in next 6 hours.

Step II on Day 2: Read B. Sc. Part I and II organic, inorganic and physical chemistry books. Read them very fast. Dont try to remember what you have read. Just go reading so that you finish them in a day.

Step III on Day 3: Read B. Sc. III organic and inorganic books. Try to finish them reading in two to three days.

If you follow this five days plan,  this knowledge will help you to solve at least 10 difficult questions in NET.  Let us see how we should proceed further. The most important thing is to decide your target.Follow the strategy to get:

Section A: 20 MCQs on General Science: Our target should be of 6 MCQs

Section B: 50 MCQs on Chemistry: Our target should be of 25 MCQs

Section C: 75 MCQs on chemistry: Our target should be of at least of 17 MCQs.

Thus, if you decide

above target you score 12 + 50 + 68 = 130 Marks.


Let us see what we should do to get 6 MCQs correctly in NET section A. Preparation of NET section A: The most difficult part of NET preparation is this section A. As there are no clear directions from CSIR regarding the syllabus, it is challenging task to study for this part. It seems that the questions are asked from mathematics. I suggest reading NDA/NA entrance exam book (Upkar publication book preferably) for this section. If u daily read this book for half an hour for a month, I am sure all of u will be able to achieve the target of 6 MCQs. Please read only maths, Part. Study the book very lightly.


“Passing NET/SET is an ART and Not SCIENCE”. It means that reading hundreds of books will never help you to pass NET/SET. What you need to know is the ART of studying these hundred books. In other words, hard will never help you to pass NET/SET. Instead smart work is necessary. Let us see what I mean by smart work. PROBLEM WITH MOST OF US: The basic problem with most of us think that it is necessary to study complete syllabus. But none of us succeed doing that as the syllabus is very vast. The real fact is that it not essential to study the entire syllabus. You can pass NET/SET by studying even 60 % topics from the syllabus. The most important thing is that you should properly select your syllabus. Most of us select wrong topics for study and many a times whatever we study is not sufficient to clear NET. . It is better to select syllabus from two specializations for study. It is very difficult to study all the topics from syllabus as this will take lot of time and even it is not essential too . Thus, it is highly essential to check the weighatge of the topics that we have selected for study.


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