Opportunity to work as Food Inspector, Chemical assitant, Bactariologist, Sr scientist assistant at government of Delhi – 25 Posts


Applications are hereby invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to various posts in different Departments under Government of NCT of Delhi and, its autonomous/local bodies. The details regarding name of the post(s), post code, Department, number of vacancies, educational qualifications, experience required, pay scale, age limit etc. as per the Recruitment Rules provided by the user department are given at Section A of this Advertisement. However, the applicants are required to go through the detailed advertisement at section „B? for Scheme of Examination, Section „C? for General instructions & procedure for submission of application form and Section „D? for Prescribed Application form.

The applicants are advised to apply in the prescribed Form.

DSSSB will conduct a combined Preliminary Examination (Part-I) and Main Examination (Part-II) in one go. The total duration for the said combined examination will be of 03 (three) hours. The Preliminary examination of 01(one) hour duration shall be immediately followed by the Main Examination of 02 (two) hours duration.

Post: Chemical Assistant in Office of the Commissioner of Excise, Entertainment and Luxury Tax
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
02 (UR-02).
Essential Qualifications:
1) B.Sc. with Chemistry as one of the subject with 2 years Experience in Chemical

Analysis/Research. 2) Experience of Analysis of intoxicating substance for two years OR 1) M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Bio-Chemistry/Forensic Science with chemistry as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognised University. 2) One year experience in Chemical analysis/research.
Pay Scale:
Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2800/-; Group: „C, Non- Gazetted, Non- Ministerial ;
Probation Period:
02 years ;
Age Limit:
18-27 years & relaxable for Govt. servants, who are in the same line and allied cadres with 03 years continuous service, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.
R.No. 13(2)/97/Ex/Estt./5787 dated 16/11/2007

Post: Food Inspector in Directorate of Prevention of Food Adulteration
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
01 (OBC -01).
Essential Qualifications:
(a) A Medical Officer in charge of Health Administration of a Local Area; OR
(b) a Graduate in medicine and has received at least one months training in food inspection and sampling work approved for the purpose by the Central Government or a State Government; OR
(c) a graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the subjects or a graduate in Agriculture or Public Health or Pharmacy or in Veterinary Science or a graduate in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or a diploma holder in Food Technology or Dairy Technology from a University or Institution established in India by Law or has equivalent qualifications recognized and notified by the Central Government for the purpose and has received three months satisfactory training in food inspection and sampling work under a Food (Health) Authority or in an institution approved for the purpose by the Central Govt;
Provided that the training in food inspection and sampling work obtained prior to commencement of PFA (Amendment) Rules, 1977, in any of the Laboratories under the Control of:
i) A public analyst appointed under the Act or; ii) a fellow of Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain (Branch E); or iii) any Director, Central Food Laboratory or the training obtained under a Food (Health) Authority, prior to the commencement of the PFA(Amendment) Rules, 1980, shall be considered to be equivalent for the purpose of requisite training under these Rules;
Provided further that the a person who is a qualified sanitary inspector having experience as such for a minimum period of one year and has received at least three months training in food inspection and sampling work on the commencement of PFA (Amendment) Rules, 1980, may be eligible for appointment as food inspector up to a period of 02 years from such commencement, even though he does not fulfill the qualifications laid down in clause (a) to (c);
Pay Scale:
Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4200/-; Group: „C ;Probation Period: 02 years;
Age Limit:
Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable for OBC upto 03 yrs, Departmental candidates upto 05 years and for Govt. Servants in accordance with the instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.
This post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department.
R.No. 10(91)/99/Admn./PFA/Pt.I/3277 dated 17/03/2008

Post: Assistant Bacteriologist in Delhi Jal Board
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
05 (UR- 01, SC -01, OBC- 03)
Essential Qualifications:
A (i) Masters Degree in Bio-Chemistry/Microbiology/Bacteriology of a recognised University or equivalent. (ii) Some experience in Bacteriological examination of water OR (B) (i) Degree in Science with Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/Biology/Microbiology/ Bacteriology of a recognised University or equivalent. (ii) 3 years experience in Bacteriological examination of water.
Pay Scale:
Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/- ; Group: „C ; Probation Period: 02 years;
Age Limit:
Not exceeding 32 years & relaxable for SC upto 05 years, OBC upto 03 Years, Govt. servants and employees of DJB upto 35 years and forWIDOWS, DIVORCED WOMEN AND WOMEN JUDICIALLY SEPERATED FROM THEIR HUSBANDS WHO ARE NOT REMARRIED UPTO THE AGE OF 35 YEARSin accordance with the instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition received from the User Department.
(R.No. DJB/AO(B)/Apptt./Asstt.Bact./09/D-1292 dated 30/9/2009)

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology) in Forensic Science Laboratory
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
02 (UR -01, OBC- 01).
Essential Qualifications:
I) Masters degree in Zoology or Botany or Anthropology or Human Biology or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Genetics or Biotechnology or Molecular Biology or Forensic Science with Zoology or Botany or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent. II) 2 years experience in analytical methods / research in the relevant field.
Desirable Qualifications:
Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized University or equivalent.
Pay Scale:
Rs.9300-34800 +GP 4200/- ;Group: „B, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial ; Probation Period: 02 years ; Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable for OBC upto 03 years and Govt. servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department.
R.No. 1(12)/FSL/Estt.SSA/08/3349 dated 06/02/2009

Post: Scientific Assistant (Biology) in Forensic Science Laboratory
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
02 (UR- 01, OBC- 01).
Essential Qualifications:
I) Masters degree in Zoology or Botany or Anthropology or Human Biology or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Genetics or Biotechnology or Molecular Biology or Forensic Science with Zoology or Botany or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable Qualifications:
Work experience in a Scientific Laboratory from a recognized Scientific Institution..
Pay Scale:
Rs.5200-20200 +GP 2800/- ;Group: „C, Scientific ; Probation Period: 02 years ; Age Limit: upto 27 years & Relaxable for OBC upto 03 years, Departmental Candidates upto 13 years and for Govt. servants in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the central Government from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition received from the User Department.
R.No. 1(56)/FSL/Rectt/SA/2010/2740 dated 01/12/2010

Post: Scientific Assistant (Documents) in Forensic Science Laboratory
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
02 (UR- 01, OBC- 01).
Essential Qualifications:
I) Masters degree in Physics or Chemistry, Forensic Science or Computer Science with Physics or Chemistry or Computer Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
Work experience in the field of Identification of Hand Writing, Typewriting, Printing Matters, and Analysis of Ink, other allied problems and Computer Forensic in FSL/CFSL/GEQD/Recognized Scientific Institutions/Scientific Laboratories.
Pay Scale:
Rs.5200-20200 +GP 2800/- ;Group: „C, Scientific ; Probation Period: 02 years ;
Age Limit:
upto 27 years & relaxable for OBC upto 03 years, Departmental Candidates upto 13 years and for Govt. servants in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the central Government from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition received from the User Candidates.
R.No. 1(56)/FSL/Rectt/SA/2010/2785 dated 03/12/2010

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant (Microbiology) in Drugs Control Department
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
01 (UR – 01).
Essential Qualifications: (
A) (i) Post Graduate Degree in Microbiology /Pharmacy / Botany / Bio-Chemistry from a recognised University or equivalent (ii) One years experience in the field of Microbiological testing of drugs from a recognised Institution of equivalent OR (B) (i) A degree in Pharmacy / Science (with Chemistry, Botany and Zoology subjects) from a recognised University or equivalent (ii) Three years experience in the field of Microbiological testing of Drugs from a recognised Institution or equivalent
Pay Scale:
Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/-; Group: B, Non- Gazetted Non-Ministerial;
Probation Period:
02 years ; Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable to Departmental candidate upto 40 years and Govt. Servants up to 05 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department.
R.No. 50/(20)/2008/DC/Estt/99 dated 19/04/2010

Post: Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) in Forensic Science Laboratory
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
06 (UR -03, OBC -02, SC -01).
Essential Qualifications:
I) Masters degree in Chemistry or Toxicology or Forensic Science with chemistry as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable Qualifications:
Work experience in a Scientific Laboratory from a recognized Scientific Institution.
Pay Scale:
Rs.5200-20200 +GP 2800/- ; Group: „C, Scientific ; Probation Period: 02 years ; Age Limit: upto 27 years & relaxable for SC upto 05 years, OBC upto 03 years, Departmental Candidates upto 13 years and for Govt. servants in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department.
R.No. 1(56)/FSL/Rectt/SA/2010/2708 dated 30/11/2010

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) in Drugs Control Department
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
03 (UR- 02, OBC- 01)
Essential Qualifications:
(A) (i) Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry /Pharmacy / Bio-Chemistry from a recognised University or equivalent. (ii) One Years Experience in the field of chemical Analysis of Drugs from a Recognised Institution or Equivalent. OR i) A Degree in Pharmacy / Science (with Chemistry, Botany and Zoology subjects) from a Recognised University or Equivalent (ii) Three Years Experience in the field of Chemical Analysis of Drugs from a recognised Institution or equivalent.
Pay Scale:
Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4200/- ;Group: B, Non-Gazetted,Non-Ministerial;
Probation Period:
02 years ;
Age Limit:
Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable to OBC upto 03 years, Departmental Candidates upto 40 years and Govt. Servants by 5 years in accordance with the order/instructions issued by the Central Govt. from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department
R.No. 50/20/2008/DC/Estt/99 dated 19/04/2010

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant (Pharmacology) in Drugs Control Department
Post Code:
Number of Vacancies:
01 (UR- 01).
Essential Qualifications
(A) (i) Post Graduate in Pharmacology / Physiology / Zoology / Pharmacy from a recognised University or equivalent. ii) One year?s experience in the field of Pharmacological testing of drugs from a recognized Institution of equivalent. OR (B) (i) Degree in Pharmacy / Science (with Chemistry, Botany and Zoology subjects) from a recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Three years experience in the field of Pharmacological testing of Drugs from a recognized Institution or equivalent.
Pay Scale:
Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4200/- ; Group: B, Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial;
Probation Period:
02 years ; Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable for Departmental candidate upto 40 years and Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.
This Post is not identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH persons as per the Requisition of the User Department.
R.No. 50/20/2008/DC/Estt/99 dated 19/04/2010

(1) Candidates must read the detailed instructions to candidates in Section A, B and C of the advertisement before filling up PART I and PART II of the form. He/She must fill the form strictly according to the instructions.
(2) Candidates must ensure that NO column is left blank or wrongly filled in either Part I or Part II of the form as the information furnished therein would be used in the recruitment process. Application Form not filled correctly, completely and as per the instructions in both Part I and Part II are liable to be rejected and the onus of such rejection would be on the candidate himself/herself. The Board will not entertain any claim for candidature after such rejection.
(3) Candidates are required to submit the legible attested copies of the following documents along with the application form (any information contained in the attached certificates shall not be considered unless it is claimed in the application form).
(i) Matriculation/Secondary certificate or equivalent in support of their declaration of age.
(ii) Degree or Diploma or other certificates in support of their claim of educational qualifications and copies of ALL YEAR WISE mark sheets from Matriculation onwards.
(iii) Experience certificates wherever applicable.
(iv) Caste/Category/ Disability Certificate (as prescribed in Rules) on the prescribed form, issued by the competent authorities, if claiming benefit under any of the above categories.
(v) Two recent passport size coloured photographs (front face) with light background as per specification given above Section-A under heading “Important”, out of which one should be pasted (Not stapled or tagged) on the space provided in the application form. The second copy of the same photograph should be attested by a Gazetted Officer and be attached carefully with the application form for the purpose of identification of the candidate at any stage of recruitment. Any variation in the two photographs may lead to rejection of his/her candidature.
(vi) One self addressed post card duly affixed with Rs. 6/- postage stamps for acknowledgement of the application. The candidate must write: Name of the post, Advertisement Number and Post Code Number of the post applied for on the post card.
(4) The number of vacancies reserved for various categories has been notified in the advertisement on the basis of requisitions furnished by the Indenting Departments. SC/OBC CANDIDATES seeking the benefit of reservation should submit the SC/OBC certificate issued to them by the Competent Authority of Government of NCT of Delhi on or before the prescribed closing date. Candidates seeking reservation as OBC have to submit a declaration in the prescribed format (annexure– I), that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer on the crucial date in addition to the community certificate(OBC). Unless otherwise specified, the closing date for receipt of applications for the post is to be treated as crucial date. SC/OBC certificate obtained after the closing date shall not be considered and the prospective candidate will be considered under UR category, if eligible otherwise.
(5) The DSSSB reserves the right to cancel or modify the advertisement or part of it at any stage. The number of vacancies is provisional and subject to change (increase or decrease).The selected candidate can be nominated in any department of Govt. of NCT of Delhi or autonomous/local body.
(6) Abbreviations used are denoted as under : UR-Un-Reserved (General), SC- Scheduled Caste, OBC-Other Backward Classes, PH – Physically Handicapped, OH-Orthopaedically Handicapped, HH–Hearing Handicapped, BL-Both Leg, OA–One Arm, OL–One Leg, OAL-One Arm and One Leg.
(7) The Educational qualification, age, experience and other conditions of eligibility as stipulated above against the post shall be determined as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
(8) Applications received before the opening date or after the closing date or NOT in the prescribed format SHALL NOT BE entertained by the Board and shall be summarily rejected without any further notice to the candidate.
(9) Use of Calculator/Palmtop/Laptop/Other Digital Instrument/ Mobile/Cell Phone/Pager etc is/are not allowed. In case any candidate is found to possess the same in exam centre, he/she will be debarred from the examination and legal proceedings can also be initiated.
(10) The signature of the candidate must invariably be in running script (NOT IN CAPITAL LETTERS) and the left thumb ink impression given by him/her should be clearly visible.
(11) In case of any discrepancy among the English, Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi versions of the advertisement/information, the English version will be treated as final.
(12) Each candidate will have to go through the Bio-metric process of identification.
NOTE: Application form must be sent in the prescribed format given in the Employment News which can also be downloaded from our websitewww.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in. Applications sent in any other format are liable TO BE REJECTED.

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